Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Can you chare a gameboy advance sp with DC charger?

I don't know if the sp charge with AC or DC but i just rigged my car charger into a house charger by cutting it up and putting it back together. The charger is a universal DC charger and a car charger put together. I have the voltage on 4.5v charging. Does anyone knows if its good to do that using a DC charger?

Can you chare a gameboy advance sp with DC charger?
I've done things like that before with other devices. It does work but you should go and buy a new proper charger ASAP! The lifetime of the device is reduced greatly by doing this and if someone changes the voltage setting on it you could break the whole thing or at least the charging circuit(This happened to a cellphone I found. I had to Jerry-rig a charger using an universal charger and my brother switched it to 9V instead of the 4.5V setting and it fried the charging circuit on the phone).

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